Working with dates in Oracle
Recently I had an issue where a stored procedure was tested by a
developer and worked perfectly. When the stored procedure got migrated
to test, a user tried to execute it but it did not work. The problem
took a while to track down but in the end it was because the stored
procedure did not explicitly define the date format when converting a
character string into a date. The developer and the tester had different
settings for nls_date_format and this was causing the problem. Below is
an example of how this can happen.
Create the table
Insert in some values
Select all records
Select using to_date function with format mask
Select using to_date without a format mask, lucky it works but....
Alter the nls_date_format
Select using to_date without a format mask, this time we are out of luck
However our original query still works
Select using to_date function with a format mask
So the moral of the story is to always explicity specify the format when
converting a character string to a date. Any functions that rely on a
client setting should be avoided because just by having a different
person run the code, it may break.
developer and worked perfectly. When the stored procedure got migrated
to test, a user tried to execute it but it did not work. The problem
took a while to track down but in the end it was because the stored
procedure did not explicitly define the date format when converting a
character string into a date. The developer and the tester had different
settings for nls_date_format and this was causing the problem. Below is
an example of how this can happen.
Create the table
control@DWDEV> create table visit
2 (visit_date date
3 ,visit_place varchar2(20));
Table created.
Insert in some values
control@DWDEV> insert into visit values (to_date('20060403','YYYYMMDD'), 'Zoo');
1 row created.
control@DWDEV> insert into visit values (to_date('20060403','YYYYMMDD'), 'Park');
1 row created.
control@DWDEV> insert into visit values (to_date('20060402','YYYYMMDD'), 'Bank');
1 row created.
Select all records
control@DWDEV> select * from visit;
----------- --------------------
03-APR-2006 Zoo
03-APR-2006 Park
02-APR-2006 Bank
Select using to_date function with format mask
control@DWDEV> select * from visit where visit_date = to_date('03-Apr-2006','DD-Mon-YYYY');
----------- --------------------
03-APR-2006 Zoo
03-APR-2006 Park
Select using to_date without a format mask, lucky it works but....
control@DWDEV> select * from visit where visit_date = to_date('03-Apr-2006');
----------- --------------------
03-APR-2006 Zoo
03-APR-2006 Park
Alter the nls_date_format
control@DWDEV> alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS';
Session altered.
Select using to_date without a format mask, this time we are out of luck
control@DWDEV> select * from visit where visit_date = to_date('03-Apr-2006');
select * from visit where visit_date = to_date('03-Apr-2006')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was
However our original query still works
Select using to_date function with a format mask
control@DWDEV> select * from visit where visit_date = to_date('03-Apr-2006','DD-Mon-YYYY');
-------------- --------------------
20060403000000 Zoo
20060403000000 Park
So the moral of the story is to always explicity specify the format when
converting a character string to a date. Any functions that rely on a
client setting should be avoided because just by having a different
person run the code, it may break.
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